Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Please take time to read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this website to ensure your satisfaction and security. Thank you.


These terms and conditions govern the use of www.soulcareremuera.co.nz  and the purchase of any goods from soul care.

If you do not agree to my terms and conditions or have a question you would like answered then please feel free to contact me directly to discuss. 021977718 or email soulcareremuera@gmail.com


By shopping with soul care you agree to be bound by our terms, conditions, disclaimers and limitations of liability (outlined below). soul care reserves the right to amend or update terms, conditions, disclaimers and limitation of liability at any time without providing notice to you. By using our website you acknowledge that you have read and understood our terms and conditions.


You are welcome to browse, view, print and copy areas of the site to assist you with making purchasing decisions however, you may not use any material on this website for any other purpose.